Whether it be programming, curating, booking, or producing tracks, Ocean is one of those DJs who is an all-rounder. Surrounded by Hong Kong’s nightlife as her early abode, Ocean is now a household name across the scene when she played a pivotal role as the co-founder and music director at Hong Kong’s Social Room for 5 years. She also made ground in the region when played at major festivals and clubs including Epizode, Wonderfruit, Intro, Equation, and Sonar HK. She was also tapped to represent Hong Kong at the Shi Fu Miz festival’s first live edition of Boiler Room.
Since her first booking to Berlin in 2010, she’s made trips frequently around the world and regards herself as an ambassador for Hong Kong’s scene. While doing her annual Europe tour, she has played in world-renowned festivals and clubs including Sisyphos Berlin, Serialism, Biotop Records, Melt! and Feel Festival, Club Der Visionaere, Golden Gate, Kit Kat Club, Ava and Wilde Mohere Festival.
Always armed with a diverse sound palette, Ocean has also played with top international artists like Eduardo De La Calle, Efdemin, Sam Barker, Oskar Offermann, Hiver, Priku, Cesare vs Disorder and many more
Ocean has also been unleashing tasteful releases on labels and collaborating with top-tier artists: “AuditoryTouch” EP on Moteur Ville Musique (Detroit) with remixes by Eduardo de la Calle, Jay Tripwire, and Joal, “The Same Boat” EP on Berlin Biotop Label, “White Eyes” with Mr. Ho (Klasse Wrecks), remixing for Stelios Vassiloudis`s EP on Otake Records (Poland) and a single on We Are Play Music from Ecuador.
In recent months, she’s put out exclusive mixes on international channels including 6 am Group, Mixmag Asia, Meoko, Serialism Records, Decay Records, Paradox Egg London, and more.
With a signature sound void of pretension and any need to be trendy, enveloping listeners with her own personality and story as basslines pump and roll between slicing snares and adrift delicate vocals. Ocean has forged a deserved reputation for purveying supremely high-grade sounds that skirt through all the glorious shades of minimal, techno, house, and beyond.